Willamette Community Church realizes that God is working throughout the world, not just in Albany, Oregon. We partner with several Global Ministry Partners, in various countries around the world, through our encouragement, prayer, and finances.
WCC Global Ministry Partners
Mid Valley Fellowship
Helping individuals obtain sexual wholeness in a confused and broken world
For those struggling with homosexuality, pornography/sexual addiction, survivors of sexual abuse, and spouses of anyone struggling in these areas a message of hope and healing is offered through personal testimonies, trained lay counseling, Biblical instruction, and Christ-centered accountability groups.Sexual and relational redemption is available for all who seek it!
The Navigators
Denny and Pam Holbert, serve throughout Oregon as a Pastor to the pastors.
Read more about The Navigators and the Holberts by clicking their picture. -
Mike Silva International
Crusades and Conferences
The ministry and vision of MSI is To Effectively Communicate the Life Changing Message of the Gospel in practical and down to earth terms. MSI is preaching the gospel to thousands of people around the world in crusades, conferences, camps, and churches. -
Agua Viva
Tabasco, Mexico
Agua Viva (Living Water) was built nearly 25 years ago with help from members of WCC. As a church, we were able to reconnect with them in 2009 and have been visiting them and helping with needs as part of our short-term mission trips to Mexico. Pastor Alfredo and his wife, Coni, have been leading this church and the small community around them for nearly 20 years. -
WCC-Moyamba and Moyamba Christian Academy
Our sister church in Sierra Leone
We are supporting a church plant in Moyamba, pastored by Patrick Coker and his wife Theresa, as well as a Moyamba Christian Academy which is located at the church.
Church Venture Northwest
Church Venture strives to help every church take bold next steps to strengthen, revitalize, and plant new churches in the Pacific Northwest.
Mile 91 - Sierra Leone
Another church plant we support in Sierra Leone Africa is called Mile 91. This church is pastored by Francis Lamin and his wife Marion. They also have a school for the children in their community.
The Sheriff Family
Peter & Emily Sheriff serve in Sierra Leone through an organization called Willamette International. They have 4 children, Marie, Ben, Haddie, and Lettie Grace.